Saturday, March 31, 2007

C&C rox! IV is coming, and rewards inbound.

I picked up Command & Conquer 3 because I knew I would play it on my new system. When I got the package I was actually shocked that the minimum requirements were so low, as I remember Generals requiring a beefy system when it was released. I decided to try the demo since it looked like it should run on my current system, and it does. :) My graphic settings are low/medium but the tutorial and 3 skirmish games I've played have ran okay. I'm really enjoying it, makes me want the new system even more, because I know it will look even better.

Rockstar has released the first trailer for IV what will be GTA IV. The website has regular, and HD versions down loadable, and they just put the trailer up on LIVE yesterday, check it out.

Next Gen Fight has put up a next gen cost calculator, even my price additions the other day were skewed because I didn't add in the cost of HD cables on the Sony PS3 side. I think its unfair to have the 20GB PS3 in the listings because you can't find one new, but it does show that it's a lot closer price point wise.

Last but not least, the Xbox Rewards challenge has posted the rewards. If you successfully completed the challenge log in and go to My Rewards you will have codes listed for your challenge level to redeem on LIVE. Picked up my Contra arcade game, and my Old Spice gamerpic last night.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Elite 360 'officially' announced!

True to thier word Microsoft announced the Elite 360 today selling April 29th for $479.99. The 120GB hd will release seperately for $179.99 (including a transfer cable to move stuff from your 20GB --> 120GB drive). Kotaku has full scoop which includes the following tidbits...

The Xbox 360 Elite will come with a 120GB hard drive, an HDMI port, a HDMI cable, both component and composite cables, an audio adapter for use with HDMI and a black finish for the console, wireless controller and Xbox Live headset.

They also announced 6 new 'media' partners that would be supplying marketplace video content including A&E, Warner Bros., NewLine Cinema, and more. It's going to be a tough sell Elite 360 $479.99 + Wireless Network $99.99 + HD DVD add on $199.99 = $779.99 vs. a 60GB PS3 for $599.99? Double the storage for $180?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Update-a-thon v1.0...

What's new? Lets see since my last posting I took a weekend break and went to Branson. My daughter was on Spring Break, but doesn't like to go with Grandma & Grandpa by herself because no one will ride with her at Silver Dollar City.

Friday (1st mistake), + Spring Break (2nd mistake) was terrible. I think we rode each ride once, and got stalled at three different ones because they were adding additional cars/trains (they didn't know they were going to be busy...). SDC has a new ride, The Giant Swing opening the first week of April. Check out the mock video in the link, looks like it will be pretty cool.

The rest of the weekend was okay, we ate at FuddRucker's one afternoon and the new Joe's Crab Shack one evening. I have ate at Joe's before in Galveston, TX and remember it being much better, maybe I should have went with crab (duh?) instead of shrimp. The food was good, but didn't seem worth what I paid for it. Since my trip to Denver, and this outing to Branson I have found that I really like free wireless access in the hotel.

My PSP got a work out this weekend from watching some TV shows on the way down, playing Luxor : Wrath of Set (a lot, I really like this game (note to self: really need to pick up Magnetica for the DS but not at $30)), to surfing my favorite sites at the hotel. It also allowed me to download the current Legendary Thread, and 1UpYours podcast which I listened to on the way back. I don't remember mentioning it last time, but the DS web browser is finally getting a US release supposedly in June. Now web browsing on the PSP (while a neat feature) is not overly practical but it works okay. The biggest advantage to the DS would be if it brings up a 'touch screen' keyboard for text input, but you will lose the ability to download music/pictures/video and play them back like on the PSP.

It seems as though the black 'Elite' 360 is indeed headed to a retailer near you, Xbox360fanboy posted some candid shots from a Chinese factory that were posted on a Chinese video game BBS. I don't know of anyone taking reserves for the systems yet, but if the early May release date holds (I read somewhere about a Microsoft announcement coming Wed, but now can't find it, where the Elite is to be announced). Unless there is some hidden goodies (other than color/hd size/HDMI) that we don't know about I won't be upgrading. I'll wait till I come across a used 120GB hd and then pick it up.

My computer components are still sitting in the corner mocking me. Command & Conquer 3 comes out today, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. hit the shelves last week. I have come to the conclusion that to raise money for my stinking ram I'm going to put my Wii (console you sickos) on eBay. I don't play it, or much else for that matter (WoW the only game you need) and you know its inevitable big N will announce new colors, or functionality in Wii 1.1. I might pick up another one then, I might not depends if the games get any better. I've got some other stuff to put up too so hopefully I'll get enough to cover the ram, and maybe some other non-priority addons.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Halo 3 box nudies with sticker shock, more noir 360 steam, and Commodore ressurection.

Xboxygen got a hold of some supposed Halo 3 box art with some nice shots of legendary box, and the collector's tin. The legendary box looks pretty neat, but the collector's tin looks like the same packaging as the Prey collector's set which wasn't well liked (the rubber 'hub' that the DVD was sitting on left something to be desired).

On top of these shots there is more info flowing about the different editions, and their contents. The biggest shocker was the price hike on the legendary to $129.99 while the regular ($60), and CE ($70) held fast at the previous price point. Another puzzling point is the CE while having 2 disc in common with the legendary comes with an art book that is not included in the legendary edition, so anyone going to spend $200 to get everything? A couple of sources supposedly also spilled the beans that Halo 3 will see release in September to beat the holiday rush, not like it will have any problem steamrolling right on through.

The newest Game Informer (April 2007) has a article about the 'rumored' new 360, you know Black, 120GB, HDMI that we've heard of before. I haven't seen the issue yet so I don't know if it has any new info, but Internet rumblings still point to $480 May 1st release. On top of that there are some new rumblings saying that the core system will be discontinued (about time) and the premium will see a price drop.

When I was in high school getting into computers I was leaning towards Apple products, but ended up getting into the Commodore line up. After working through the Vic 20, C=64, Amiga 1000, and Amiga 1200 I had spent a lot of time in the Commodore camp. When the end came in 1994 I moved back into the PC camp but was always intrigued when someone new bought the 'Commodore' name and property rights. It has come back to the forefront now, as a UK company is launching Commodore Gaming soon which will have a launch line up of 4 'gaming' PCs.

Friday, March 09, 2007

GDC Cometh, and Sparta's 300 attack!

The Game Developers Conference 2007 wrapped up this week in San Francisco, focused mainly towards the game developers it used to be a look into what was coming at E3. Since E3's demise as we know it, this years GDC has taken on some of the E3 traits with keynotes, and more coverage by gaming journalist.

Gamasutra has a section dedicated to live GDC coverage that you can check out, and GameSpot has some more game centered highlights.

I caught the first show of 300 this morning before work. The preview had looked intriguing although I'd never seen Sin City, I was going to take a chance. The 'entire' movie wasn't as stylised as I thought it would be, it had a certain visual look, but it was not overdone. It's definitely a 'guy flick', as there was not a female in the audience for the first show. Very, very, violent movie (has to be a record for the most decapitations in a movie) but it's about warriors so what did I expect? I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.