Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Progressive 360 games, Half-Life 2 date dumps, and pondering new PC parts. reported yesterday that SEGA had announced Virtua Tennis 3 will support 1080p on the 360, as well as a spectator mode dubbed VT:TV where you can watch LIVE matches in progress. Hot on the heels of that news today they posted that EA also says NBA Street Homecourt will support 1080P also. Judging from the comments to the post, it seems that there are already some 1080P games available on your favorite console.

Originally slated for June, it seems as though Valve Software has pushed back Half-Life 2 (Black (PC), and Orange (360/PS3)) till winter (sometime between November~February) according to 1UP.

I'm looking at new PC components. The pending Vista wave as well as new games that I really want to play has me itching to upgrade my rig. It's about time as I've been running 2.4GHz probably close to 2 years, not to mention my NVidia 5900 card that's now 3 generations old. I've always been a staunch Intel supporter so I'm eyeing a nice Duo Core processor, and a 680i (NVidia based motherboard) for starters not to mention new (and more excessive) ram upgrade. Good thing that income tax refund is on the horizon soon!

There was a demo of Supreme Commander posted yesterday, I'm downloading it now just to see how bad I need to upgrade. :)

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