Friday, March 09, 2007

GDC Cometh, and Sparta's 300 attack!

The Game Developers Conference 2007 wrapped up this week in San Francisco, focused mainly towards the game developers it used to be a look into what was coming at E3. Since E3's demise as we know it, this years GDC has taken on some of the E3 traits with keynotes, and more coverage by gaming journalist.

Gamasutra has a section dedicated to live GDC coverage that you can check out, and GameSpot has some more game centered highlights.

I caught the first show of 300 this morning before work. The preview had looked intriguing although I'd never seen Sin City, I was going to take a chance. The 'entire' movie wasn't as stylised as I thought it would be, it had a certain visual look, but it was not overdone. It's definitely a 'guy flick', as there was not a female in the audience for the first show. Very, very, violent movie (has to be a record for the most decapitations in a movie) but it's about warriors so what did I expect? I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

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