Wednesday, July 16, 2008

E3 impressions thus far on the 360 front...

Well E3 2008 started Monday in Los Angeles. G4TV has been showing oodles of coverage, and websites have a flurry of activity especially with all the big press conferences out of the way. I didn't get to watch any this year, but have picked up bits and pieces here and there, scouring the web, listening to daily update podcast, etc...

Microsoft was up first thing Monday morning with their conference, probably the biggest shock was when they announced Final Fantasy XIII would be coming day & date with the PS3 version. We're getting a new dashboard 'overhaul' that immediately struck me as Windows Flip 3D from Vista (you know where all the open task cycle through in a 3D isometric view?), and it also supports the new personal avatars (think Mii's). put up a developer walkthrough video showing off the features of the new dash thats worth a view.

Microsoft is 'bringing it home' again, just turn on your 360 and check out the incoming flood of E3 videos, and demos. I highly recommend checking out the Fallout 3 video it looks amazing, and Fable 2 looks good too, I wasn't a big fan of the first one, but will give this one a try. There were some other announcements that caught my attention, Scene-It: Box Office Smash (this time with online multiplayer!), and limited edition red and green controllers.

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