Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Superbad, and random thoughts abound.

I just got back from a sneak for Superbad a teenage (sex) comedy where a trio of friends are trying to make their last couple weeks of high school the best ever. It was co-wrote by Seth Rogen (Ben from Knocked Up, and Cal from 40 Year Old Virgin) so you pretty much know what your in for.
I caught Ebert & Roeper's review segment last week, and was a bit shocked that they both gave it 'thumbs up'. A teen sex comedy just doesn't seem like it would be a big hit with the critics, and this movie pulls no punches. It's rated R for a variety of reasons including "pervasive crude and sexual content, strong language, drinking, some drug use and a fantasy/comic violent image - all involving teens". That's all in there but a appalling lack nudity (unless you consider numerous drawings of the male unit nudity) except for a picture on the cover of a smut mag at the local convenience store. It brought back a flood of memories of such great films as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Porky's, and most recently the American Pie franchise.
I don't know if it would make a good date movie (definitely not a first date), but the girls in the audience seemed to be laughing just as much as the guys were.

I gather that the Stranglehold demo has graced the LIVE marketplace today so I'm off to download it (maybe, it's lightning outside a lot and sounds like its pouring now) but looking forward to trying it out. I still need to give the Blue Dragon demo a spin too before it comes out.

Microsoft announced price cuts today (ha, didn't see it coming did you?) $50 on the premium, $20 on the core, and $30 on the Elite. They also announced pricing for the Halo 3 edition ($399.99) which is basically a premium with a paint job, HDMI port, and a color coordinated play & charge kit. I'm sure it will sell okay, but nothing there excites me.

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