Friday, May 09, 2008

Sony Playstation day, through the HAZE and off the GRID.

Sony held it's Playstation Day 2008 in London May 6th-May 8th. Gamersyde has a great rundown of the stuff presented, be sure to checkout the videos for Killzone 2 coming February 2009, and Motorstorm : Pacific Rift.

There was some new goodies put up on the Playstation Store yesterday too, the Haze demo, Grid demo (which is also up on XBL Marketplace), and a Mirror's Edge trailer from EA.

I played through the Haze demo last night and it was pretty neat, I'm not sure about the storyline but the graphics were really nice. I haven't had a chance to try out Grid yet as I was too busy watching the trailers mentioned above, not to mention that I found out later is was also on the 360.

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